Pommes Dauphinoise
Donated by Laurie Mill of TasteMarine

-4 x large waxy potatoes (Desiree, Golden Wonder or King Edward)
-2 x cloves garlic
-2 x sprigs rosemary
-5 x sprigs thyme
-1/2 x teaspoon Malden sea salt
-6 x white peppercorns
- 354ml (apx) double cream
-125gms grated Auld Reekie Smoked cheese
-1 x knob butter
-peel potatoes, cut off rounded ends, slice thinly by hand or mandolin cutter, arrange slices of even thickness into oven proof dish.
-strip rosemary and thyme leaves from woody stems
-mash together, leaves, garlic, salt and pepper into paste using a pestle and mortar
-heat butter in pan, add paste, cook gently till soft, add cream, bring to boil, simmer for two minutes
-pour cream onto potatoes just up to the top layer
-sprinkle on the cheese, cover with tin foil, bake in preheated oven 180C for40 mins
-remove foil, bake until top is brown and crusty, apx 30 mins